Hi, I'm Rizaldy. I am currently a Senior DevOps Engineer at a Data Infrastructure Company based in Jakarta, ID. There have been so many changes in my life, but a few things that have remained unchanged are my interests in:

I used to do software development profesionally since 2015, mostly web application development. Since the 2020s my deep interests has been in making software developers more productive & happy while keeping systems up & running, securely.

I will be happy to help solve problems in any organization in any industry with my expertise.


I love writing. Here are the 3 most recent posts:

Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) is actually useful

So I just got my new Mac machine last week. It's just a small machine with 8 CPUs and 8 GB of memory. I've been thinking about buying one for a long time and now the time has come!

Syncthing Anywhere With Tailscale

I don't archive data very often but when I do it must be for a very important one. On the other hand, I somewhat don't trust "cloud" providers and would avoid them as much as I can since my paranoid level is kinda high.

Expose Web Services at Home via Tailscale for Fun

I have a small homelab server at home running TrueNAS Core. My home network sits behind NAT and there are probably 3 routers in front of me.

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I am currently unavailable for consulting work (expected until Jan 2024).

DevOps Engineering

I can help organizations move fast and break less thing by adopting best practices from system administration; release engineering, infrastructure provisioning and management, security, to DevOps advocacy.

R&D Engineer

Reduce time to market without compromising quality and stability by choosing the right tools for the job. I can help you to choose the right one.

Site Reliability Engineering

"Hope is not a strategy" as traditional SRE would say. I can help scale from availability; latency, performance, efficiency, change management, monitoring, emergency response, to capacity planning.